Page name: Fantasy Critters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-03 18:38:49
Last author: kanaseria
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
# of watchers: 39
Fans: 0
D20: 10
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Welcome to Fantasy Critters United

A place where your fantasy self or critter can frolick... We are also a little nuts too O_o


Let your imagination run free

Welcome To Fantasy Critters United a place where you can come and frolick with your fantasy critter or if your a fantasy critter yourself... We welcome anything and everything! So please don't be shy and just add yourself to the list below as a member and please take a badge and place it on your Elftown page. If you need any help with anything or have any questions please contact me through elftown I am [RenegadePhoenix]! Alright have fun, look around as things keep changing so keep coming back to check up on us! :P


I will be making new badges now and then, if you have any suggestions or wish to submit a badge please contact me [RenegadePhoenix] and I will see what I can do. Thanks everyone and enjoy the current badges







I'm doing a badge trade For Dragons United so please check it out if you like dragons! <img:>

(To put your name on the list just go to edit and add your self!)


I know you all you people out there want to be members so go right ahead to the members page and join up!!!

DON'T PANIC: ALL POEMS AND SHORT STORIES HAVE MOVES TO Fantasy Critters Writters! Please go right ahead and add more stuff

fantasy critters shortstories</center>

<center> Do you Have a passion for doodling and drawing? Well Please post your Fantasy Artwork up here Fantasy Critters Art work


Go here Fantasy Critters and Games for a new competitions, games and awards!

Sorry About the Changes Bare with me!

Do you have a picture of a critter you love? Do you want it to be a guardian of one of the Fantasy Critters United Wiki Pages? Send me a message to let me know of which location you want and let me see your pic and your Fantasy Critter may be a guardian! All spots are open... except for the front page, which the Moon Dragon is guardian of and the main Writters Page! but all other pages are currently open and waiting for guardians! So message me if your interested!


three contests geared towards all of our talented individuals in Fantasy Critters United. Stay posted for any updates, as well as to voluteer for various jobs. positions for badge makers, wiki creators, and much more are available. these individuals will also be placed upon a comitte that will help to develop future wiki ideas. message [kanaseria] if you're interested in helping

Username (or number or email):


2004-08-16 [jaguargal]: har har ^^

2004-08-16 [Tiger Shark]: Of COURSE there are hot guys on!! haven't you ever watched the swimming events???

2004-08-16 [Lioness123]: rowr!!

2004-08-17 [jaguargal]: lol

2004-08-17 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: haha

2004-08-18 [CrystalBlaze]: hey

2004-08-19 [kanaseria]: ... ok then... under strict orders to remind u all that it's fantasy creatures talk in here... *cough cough* i hate followin rules however... so... carry on with the randomness

2004-08-19 [Lioness123]: flying monkey poop! Is that enough fantasy randomness for ya??

2004-08-19 [kanaseria]: a bit too much... o.O

2004-08-19 [tears of the mist]: lol ^__^

2004-08-19 [xxEldarisxx]: hey peeps, a random question here but does anyone know a good site for building free websites?

2004-08-19 [tears of the mist]: no.. sorry :(

2004-08-19 [xxEldarisxx]: ah well me will keeps searchin but fankoo anyways :P

2004-08-19 [tears of the mist]: ^^

2004-08-19 [Lioness123]: angelfire, geocities, umm....thats all I can think of right now

2004-08-19 [xxEldarisxx]: fankoo ^_^

2004-08-21 [jaguargal]: I know where to get domain names..

2004-08-21 [kanaseria]: i don't! woohoo! i'm dumb!

2004-08-21 [jaguargal]: lol ^^

2004-08-21 [tears of the mist]: ^_^ lol

2004-08-22 [Tigress Nera]: yeah, i'm trying to get one on geocities, but they haven't replied yet.

2004-08-23 [jaguargal]: I'm working on a website ^_^ ( <--lookie! I got a .com!)

2004-08-23 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: it's not up yet..

2004-08-25 [Kiristo]: HHHHIIIIII!!!!^^    i'm bored......'-_-  how do you get your own web site anyway?

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: *appears* ello

2004-08-25 [tears of the mist]: Yo

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: wuzzup

2004-08-25 [tears of the mist]: nout.. u?

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: not bad...besides being worn out, sore, hungry, and wet, I'm quite well thank you

2004-08-25 [tears of the mist]: :s

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: ~X-X~

2004-08-25 [tears of the mist]: ...............................................................................

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: rawr...

2004-08-25 [tears of the mist]: growl

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: moo

2004-08-25 [tears of the mist]: squark

2004-08-25 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: squeek

2004-08-25 [tears of the mist]: ^^ hewwo

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: mew!

2004-08-25 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: squek squeek?

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: rawr?

2004-08-25 [RubyRed RagDoll]: I am woman hear mr roar *clears throat* Rooaaweeeeerrr! eep...

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: I'm a Tiger hear me roar *clears throat* *cough* mew

2004-08-25 [RubyRed RagDoll]: I don't think sharks roar... It's more like *SPLASH* or something.... heehee

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: we do, you people just don't listen

2004-08-25 [RubyRed RagDoll]: oh.... I'll listen harder next time, then

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: yay!!!

2004-08-25 [RubyRed RagDoll]: yeah.....

2004-08-25 [Tiger Shark]: YAY!!

2004-08-27 [Kiristo]: *falls asleep over pointles conversation*

2004-08-27 [Lioness123]: throws M&M's at Rika

2004-08-27 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: *catches m&m's and eats them* thanks lioness!!!!

2004-08-27 [Tiger Shark]: do I get any?

2004-08-27 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: yes sure! here *gives some he hasn't eaten so far*

2004-08-27 [Tiger Shark]: yay!! *gobbles up M&Ms* thanks Jivan! *hands jivan a cookie*

2004-08-27 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: thankies!!!! *crunches on cookies* hmmm i luv cookies...

2004-08-27 [Tiger Shark]: Don't we all?

2004-08-28 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: i guess so

2004-08-28 [Lioness123]: *hands out remaining M&Ms*

2004-08-28 [Tiger Shark]: aaaaaanyway...

2004-08-28 [tears of the mist]: lol

2004-08-28 [Tiger Shark]: whachu laughin at

2004-08-29 [jaguargal]: m'nm's.. *eats*

2004-08-29 [Lioness123]: *talks with mouth full* I wuv schowcolate! *slirp*

2004-09-01 [Tiger Shark]: dark chocolaye is better *grabs a handful*

2004-09-01 [jaguargal]: I don't like dark chocolate >.<

2004-09-01 [RubyRed RagDoll]: dark chocolate tastes... dark... and bitter

2004-09-01 [jaguargal]: yeah >.<

2004-09-01 [tears of the mist]: i agree.. *walks in*

2004-09-01 [jaguargal]: <img:>-Greetings!

2004-09-01 [tears of the mist]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! *hides*

2004-09-01 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: hahaha lol

2004-09-01 [tears of the mist]: ^^

2004-09-01 [jaguargal]: heheh, it's Plue from Rave Master ^_^

2004-09-02 [RubyRed RagDoll]: What.... The HECK? *Runs to find shelter from the hideous unicorn-ish snowman... thing*

2004-09-02 [jaguargal]: *cries* everyone makes fun of him -_-

2004-09-02 [Lioness123]: a snowman with a tail?? Now I've seen everything

2004-09-02 [RubyRed RagDoll]: Well, he shouldn't be so darn ugly... *Wipes away Jaguars tears* Now Stop crying, or I'll melt the little snowman!

2004-09-03 [Tiger Shark]: aww!!! it's that cute little doggythingywotsit!!

2004-09-03 [VorpalBlade910]: .....lookls like something from a pacman game

2004-09-03 [Tiger Shark]: but he's cuter

2004-09-03 [VorpalBlade910]: the nose scares me

2004-09-03 [Tiger Shark]: just have ta look past

2004-09-03 [VorpalBlade910]: lol it's hard to!

2004-09-03 [Tiger Shark]: for goodness sake try!!

2004-09-03 [VorpalBlade910]: lol

2004-09-03 [Tiger Shark]: ^-^ I like making people laugh

2004-09-03 [RubyRed RagDoll]: you do a good job of it

2004-09-03 [ElfDragon]: why does the snowman thing have a tail?

2004-09-04 [RubyRed RagDoll]: is it like a deformation?

2004-09-04 [Lioness123]: awww....poor deformed snowman....*light bulb appears over head* I know!! Lets make snow cones! *rubs hands together menacingly*

2004-09-04 [RubyRed RagDoll]: I'll get the ice pick!! *Scurries off to find it*

2004-09-04 [Lioness123]: *gets out cherry and grape flavorings*

2004-09-04 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: eh? stay back of that little sweet snowman-thingy!!!!!!!  *groowl*

2004-09-04 [Lioness123]: ok, who wants a snow cone?

2004-09-04 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: nooo!!! i said back of!!!!!! *looks veeeery dangerous*

2004-09-04 [Lioness123]: *makes a snowcone with..mmmm...cherry flavoring and begins to eat it*

2004-09-04 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: no.. you didn't.....

2004-09-04 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: *snatches snowcone, puts it back on little snowwie*

2004-09-04 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: here.. have this lioness.. *gives her loaaads of chocolate cookies*

2004-09-04 [Lioness123]: *looks at snowman with now cherry flavored head* ....*eyes gleam in hunger*......*leaps onto snowman and takes big bite outta his head* :P

2004-09-04 [Lioness123]: ouch....brain freeze >_<

2004-09-04 [Tiger Shark]: I'd rather have fish on a stick

2004-09-04 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: *cries*

2004-09-05 [Lioness123]: *snowman rubs his head and says, "man, I gotta headache"*

2004-09-05 [Lioness123]: aww, don't cry jivan...there's plenty left for you.

2004-09-05 [Kiristo]: *eyes are dim with sadness*

2004-09-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: i don't want icecream!!!! i want the snowman-thingy to be left... well... in one part :P... not in ur stomach!!!

2004-09-05 [Ham]: .........................................<img:>

2004-09-05 [Lioness123]: *sigh*......*thinks......* *goes to the freezer, takes out the box of ice-cream and takes a scoop. Walks to snowman and molds vanilla ice-cream over bitemark* There. Happy now? *licks the spoon*

2004-09-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: yes!!!! thankyou!!!!! *hugs [Lioness123] in happyness*

2004-09-05 [jaguargal]: DARN IT HE'S NOT A SNOWMAN!

2004-09-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: what is it then?

2004-09-05 [jaguargal]: He's a...a...a thinggy! No noe knows, but he's the only one who can find the missing RAVE stones

2004-09-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: hmm okay.... but how do you know it's not a snowman?

2004-09-05 [jaguargal]: ^^;;

2004-09-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: ??

2004-09-06 [Lioness123]: ok, now I'm confused

2004-09-06 [jaguargal]: Because I've read the books and watched the series :)

2004-09-06 [Lioness123]: lol

2004-09-06 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: hahaha lol

2004-09-06 [RubyRed RagDoll]: yeah... but he's still a snowman, with a tail!

2004-09-06 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: hahaha

2004-09-06 [Sweet Decay.]: erm, ok then

2004-09-06 [Lioness123]: I've seen a snow-kitty with a tail

2004-09-07 [RubyRed RagDoll]: I had a cat that was born without a tail... His name was Bob... I miss Bob :(

2004-09-07 [kanaseria]: i had a spider named bob... actually, her name was bettyaleriaterriabananafanafofescaruthannsallyjessesara the third but i always called her bob

2004-09-07 [RubyRed RagDoll]: whoah! It hurts! The weirdest name I've ever given a pet was NiJinxky (Nuh-Jinx-Kee) He was a Hamster... And I don't miss him at all, really

2004-09-07 [kanaseria]: lol. i don't like hamster... or anything small and fuzzy... they give me the creeps

2004-09-07 [RubyRed RagDoll]: This hamster peed, a lot! Like everytime someone held him! But he was adorable!

2004-09-07 [kanaseria]: eww...

2004-09-07 [Lioness123]: you can't hug a hampster...they bite

2004-09-07 [kanaseria]: and they're weird...

2004-09-07 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: they're cute! and they don't always bite, if you take good care for them, they won't bite...

2004-09-08 [kanaseria]: i don't like em!

2004-09-08 [Lioness123]: well, they still poop on you!!

2004-09-08 [Lioness123]: my cat doesn't poop on me... and she purrs when I hold her!

2004-09-08 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: yup... but i never said cats weren't cute....

2004-09-08 [Lioness123]: lol

2004-09-08 [RubyRed RagDoll]: I don't really like cats... (sorry) I prefer dogs actually. But if I could have a tiger for a pet... sweeeeet!

2004-09-08 [kanaseria]: i prefer dogs too

2004-09-08 [Lioness123]: I don't think wild animals should ever be kept as pets... a retired actor (who used to play Tarzan) had a pet tiger that escaped and mauled some people.

2004-09-08 [Lioness123]: it was in the newspaper a few months ago

2004-09-09 [Tigress Nera]: That's kinda creepy. I think it would be cool to have a tiger as a pet, if you knew what u were doing and how to raise it properly.

2004-09-09 [Lioness123]: still, you can never fully tame a wild animal

2004-09-09 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: i agree.. and you should never try.... some animals just belong in the wild... you shouldn't keep them captive, give them orders, raise them in a way YOU want them to be... that's just wrong in my opinion.....

2004-09-09 [Ham]: same here

2004-09-09 [RubyRed RagDoll]: Oh... well, I guess I won't be getting a tiger then... But I'm still moving to Africa!!

2004-09-10 [Lioness123]: lol, cool! Be careful though, alot of diseases there...and huge bugs!

2004-09-10 [CrystalBlaze]: hey

2004-09-11 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: hello

2004-09-11 [Ham]: hi

2004-09-11 [CrystalBlaze]: waz up

2004-09-11 [Ukia]: Is this place still alive?

2004-09-11 [kanaseria]: um... no

2004-09-11 [Ukia]: Why not? *wanders around aimlessly*

2004-09-11 [Tiger Shark]: *appears* rawr?

2004-09-11 [Ukia]: eh?

2004-09-11 [Tiger Shark]: rawr?

2004-09-11 [Ukia]: Rawr? rawr rawr rawr? *ponders*

2004-09-11 [Tiger Shark]: rawr....

2004-09-11 [kanaseria]: hmm...

2004-09-11 [Ukia]: So what's with the rawrs?

2004-09-11 [Tiger Shark]: rawr, rawr. ^-^

2004-09-11 [Ukia]: rawr rawr rawr rawr? *ponders*


2004-09-12 [Kiristo]: *backes away* hello?

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: hey Raaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: too... much... excitement... *twitch*

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: twitch y twitch

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: too much excitement... big words... *twitch*

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: yeah to much excitment *falls asleep zzzzzzzzzzz, then hits head on table*

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: o.o here i thought it hurt when you hit your head on a table...

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: OOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH waaaaaaaaaaaa that hurt I want my mommy

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: ummm *looks around* i don't think i see your mommy... how about a lollipop? *holds up lollipop*

2004-09-12 [Kiristo]: *eye twitches*

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: oooooohhhhhhhh gimmie gimmie pweeeeeeeeesssssseeeeeee

2004-09-12 [Kiristo]: twitch twitch

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: umm... ok *throws lollipop*

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: *catches the lollipop* thankies

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: welcomes!

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: FOOD FIGHT

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: eeps... not in here too...

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: y not

2004-09-12 [Kiristo]: *hides in corner and doodles in sketch book*

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: Eh what u drawin? me hungry! *grabs pasta and tosses it everywhere*

2004-09-12 [Kiristo]: a badge for a wiki.

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: what?

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: not the pasta *hides*

2004-09-12 [CrystalBlaze]: *tosses cold soup then tosses fresh pizza* muhahahaha

2004-09-12 [Kiristo]: *covers with wings*

2004-09-12 [RubyRed RagDoll]: *Grabs a handful of yesterdays leftover mystery meat and flings it at random members* Feel the wrath of the meat!! Mwuahahahahaaa!

2004-09-12 [Tiger Shark]: *appears rawr?

2004-09-12 [kanaseria]: o.O it's all so confusing...

2004-09-12 [RubyRed RagDoll]: *Throws mystery meat at [Tiger Shark]* *Plop*

2004-09-12 [Tiger Shark]: *catches the meat in her mouth and munches on it* mmmm yummy

2004-09-12 [RubyRed RagDoll]: Eeeeeeew!! Fine then I'll just bring out the heavt artillery!! *Pulls out machine gun filled with stale muffins* Feel the wrath now, fools!! Buahahaahahahaahahah!! *pow**POW*

2004-09-12 [Tiger Shark]: *is hit in the nose* OUCH!! *bites your head off*

2004-09-12 [RubyRed RagDoll]: *head rolls to tigers feet* Hey, I need that!*Body stumbles to find head and twists it back on* Take this, kitty *Pulls tail*

2004-09-12 [Tiger Shark]: bites your hand off and chews on it*

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